
Hubspot Content Marketing Certification Exam Answers 2017

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Hubspot Content Marketing Certification Exam Answers 2017
Hubspot Content Marketing Exam Answers 2017


Fill in the blank: When creating a headline for your content, you should come up with ___________ different headlines.

At least 10


When republishing your content, how can you make sure the republished post stands out in contrast to your original post in search engine result listings?

A) Update the headline
B) Use a new author
C) Add sub-headings to each section
D) All of the above

You are trying to turn an ebook into a checklist, which method should you keep in mind when repurposing content?

C) ACE – Adjust, Combine, Expand

After you identify the theme and format for an offer, what should you do next?

A) Choose a template to put it together
B) Start writing the content
C) Identify a list of support topics
D) Build a content creation timeline

True or false? A benefit of organic content promotion is that it allows you to show your content to a highly specific audience.


To help increase awareness for an upcoming product launch, your manager increases paid promotion funds by 300%. Which channels could you disperse these funds to?

A) Twitter
B) LinkedIn
C) Google
D) A and B
E) All of the above

When is the most effective time to boost content on social media?

A) When it’s performing well
B) When it has a call-to-action that links to your website
C) When it showcases one of your products or services
D) All of the above

True or false? You should post the same message across all of your social channels.

A) True, redundant messages ensure that your audience will see it and you get the highest reach.
B) True, posting the same message will help you save time that you can use on more important initiatives.
C) False, you should customize the message based on the platform.
D) False, post the same message to Twitter and Facebook, but update LinkedIn as it’s more of a B2B social platform.

Fill in the blank: _______________ helps you group an audience together based on specific criteria from a large list of people.

A) Demographics
B) Segmentation
C) Buyer personas
D) Ideal matching

True or false? To make sure you’re appropriately communicating the value of your content, you should define as many benefits as possible when promoting it. The more the better.


You can measure brand awareness by all of the following, except?

A) How high you rank in search engine results.
B) How many press releases exist on your website.
C) Level of engagement on your social channels.
D) Inbound links coming to your website.

True or false? It’s best to change your key metrics every few months to follow what’s trending.


Fill in the blank: All of the following are engagement signals that help you understand your content’s effectiveness, except for _______________.

A) likes and shares on a Facebook post
B) sharing the thank you page to an offer someone just downloaded
C) comments on a recent blog post
D) email send rate

Your boss asks you to report on how your content campaign has contributed to his lead generation goals. What metric do you report on to demonstrate its contribution?

A) Social engagements
B) Returning blog subscribers generated from your campaign
C) Total leads generated from your campaign
D) Increase of brand awareness

What does an UTM parameter help you identify?

A) Lifecycle stage
B) Lead attribution
C) Company name
D) Content medium

Fill in the blank: You had a successful team meeting where you were able to prove the ROI of your content marketing efforts. However, your boss wants more details on the content path that helped closed leads into customers. You could do this by creating a(n) ______________.

A) attribution report
B) referrals report
C) sales report
D) None of the above

Which departments does growth marketing support?

A) Marketing
B) Sales
C) Customer Service
D) A and B
E) All of the above

Fill in the blank: Understanding your ____________ is the first step to instilling a growth mindset within your organization.

A) marketing funnel
B) buyer personas
C) ad budget
D) buyer’s journey

Once you’re able to quantify your metrics, what is the next step in developing a growth mindset?

A) Create a facebook audience
B) Select a marketing channel to focus on
C) Start looking for weaknesses in your funnel
D) Start looking for strengths in your funnel

Which best explains the bullseye framework?

A) A testing sequence geared towards identifying content your audience cares about
B) An organized three-step approach to gaining traction
C) A system that notifies you when your competitors produce a piece of high-performing content
D) All of the above

What does the center ring of the bullseye framework represent?

A) Your possibility channels
B) Your long-shot channels
C) The channels you haven’t tested yet
D) Your top-performing channels

Fill in the blank: When conducting a test, it should work to uncover _______________.

A) the cost to attain a customer through this channel
B) the amount of customers available through this channel
C) whether or not you should be acquiring these customers
D) All of the above


The following question pertains to the blog post shown below:

The above blog post is an example of which type of headline format?

  1.  A)  Negative angle format
  2.  B)  How-to format
  3.  C)  Secret of format
  4.  D)  List format
  5.  E)  Question format


Which is true about content and its relationship with the Inbound Methodology?

  1.  A)  Content is only needed to attract people to your site.
  2.  B)  Content is needed to attract visitors and convert them into leads.
  3.  C)  Content is needed to close leads into customers and turn customers into promoters.
  4.  D)  B and C
  5.  E)  All of the above


What’s the best way to have your business’ story remembered and shared?

  1.  A)  Explain the value of your products and services and how you’re the best at what you do.
  2.  B)  Explain your history in detail.
  3.  C)  Show the ROI you can bring your customers.
  4.  D)  Create emotional alignment between your business and your prospects and customers.



True or false? If prospects can get the answers to their questions and see themselves as characters in your story, they’ll be more likely to purchase from you.



Fill in the blank: The goal of a long-term content plan is to _________________.

create a unifying document you can use to track initiatives
identify all objectives over the course of a year and create silos for each department to work from
give a detailed breakdown of what team members should be doing on a weekly basis
None of the above


All of the following are elements of an event-based audit EXCEPT:

Prospective inbound marketing campaign
Upcoming priorities by month
Initiative overview
Duration of initiative


Fill in the blank: The above graphic uses a ___________ to help organize hosted files.

linear word formula
acronym-based system
nomenclature system
Word association connector

What can you do to make a headline more compelling?


True or false? When possible, you should try and use extensive vocabulary in your writing.

True, extensive vocabulary makes you appear more credible and confident.
True, people make purchasing decisions based on if you look smarter than your competitors.
False, extensive vocabulary makes you appear less credible and confident.
False, extensive vocabulary takes up too much space on a page.
Extending the Value of Your Content Through Repurposing


All of the following are sites you can manage republished content on EXCEPT:

Social Media Today


You have a top-performing blog post that you want to republish. Which platforms should you republish it to?

You shouldn’t republish content because you’ll have duplicate content issues.
As many websites as possible; the more sites the more impressions the content will receive.
Only sites that are relevant to your business and industry.
Only websites that you have partnerships with as you won’t have to pay for it.
Extending the Value of Your Content Through Repurposing


You are trying to turn an ebook into a checklist, which method should you keep in mind when repurposing content?



True or false? A benefit of organic content promotion is that it allows you to show your content to a highly specific audience.



All of the following are attributes of a content promotion calendar EXCEPT:

Details about your audience
Where posted content fits into the buyer’s journey
External and internal communication channels
Content distributed on communication channels


Fill in the blank: All of the following are engagement signals that help you understand your content’s effectiveness, except for _______________.

likes and shares on a Facebook post
comments on a recent blog post
email send rate
sharing the thank you page to an offer someone just downloaded


Fill in the blank: You had a successful team meeting where you were able to prove the ROI of your content marketing efforts. However, your boss wants more details on the content path that helped closed leads into customers. You could do this by creating a(n) ______________.

attribution report
referrals report
conversion report
None of the above
Developing a Growth Marketing Mentality


True or false? The conflict in this blog article is preventing team burnout.


Fill in the blank: The above graphic uses a ___________ to help organize hosted files.


True or false? Your content creation framework should stay consistent over time.

True, the best way to remain efficient is to stick with a process.
True, the investment to update a process can be very expensive and time intensive.
False, as business goals and content change, so should your process to support them.
False, your process should be updated every time a new team member joins.


What can you do to make a headline more compelling?

a. Make it specific
b. Make a promise to the reader
c. Keep it short
d. A and B
e. All of the above

Which of the following do you need to include in a republished piece of content to maintain SEO authority and attribute value to the appropriate website or author?

When is the most effective time to boost content on social media?


True or false? Content marketing is a relatively new practice that became popular in the 1950’s with the boom of advertising firms.



Which best describes the content marketing and inbound marketing relationship?

A) Both are valuable and take a lot of time and work. It’s best to focus your time on one or the other.
B) If you do both then you’ll be competing with yourself.
C) A great content marketer doesn’t need to do inbound marketing.
D) Success relies on both as each serves a different function.

All of the following are content marketing practices EXCEPT:

A) Social media posts
B) Blogging
C) Technical SEO
D) Email copy

What are the four stages of the Inbound Methodology?

A) Identify, Connect, Explore, and Advise
B) Find, Engage, Convert, and Nurture
C) Awareness, Consideration, Decision, and Delight
D) Attract, Convert, Close, and Delight

Which of the following is NOT a storytelling best practice?

A) Your story should be clear and concise
B) Create emotional appeal through your content
C) Use the third-person point of view
D) Be consistent and authentic

Fill in the blank: This blog post is written from a _____________.

A) First-person point of view
B) Second-person point of view
C) Third-person point of view
D) None of the above

True or false? You need conflict to tell an impactful story.

A) True, people care more about the conflict than the resolution.
B) False, conflict only reduces the connection of what you’re trying to communicate.
C) False, your story is strong enough to explain the value of your products and services.
D) True, conflict helps build developmental and emotional connections.

Fill in the blank: The conflict in your content’s story should focus on the ____________.

A) prospects’ needs
B) prospects’ stage of the buyer’s journey
C) prospects’ problems
D) All of the above

Fill in the blank: The _________ can help you develop a mission statement that connects with your audience

A) persona creation process
B) Golden Circle
C) Inbound Methodology
D) buyer’s journey

True or false? If prospects can get the answers to their questions and see themselves as characters in your story, they’ll be more likely to purchase from you.


Fill in the blank: To effectively tell your business’ story, you need ________________.

A) an interesting history
B) a testimonial from a happy customer
C) a mission with supporting values
D) great products and services

Every story has these three storytelling elements. What are they?

A) Characters, conflict, and resolution
B) Conflict, idea, and resolution
C) Conflict, spark, and conclusion
D) Characters, conflict, and interest

Your boss has tasked you with writing a company story that will help make them stand out from their competitors. Keeping this in mind, what’s the most effective question you should start with?

A) What are you offering?
B) How will this help your audience?
C) Why are you doing what you are doing?
D) None of the above

Fill in the blank: When you tell a story and the character is your audience, you should tell the story with a ___________.

A) first-person point of view
B) second-person point of view
C) third-person point of view
D) All of the above

True or false? When identifying raw material for generating ideas, it’s best to stick with a specific area of focus. This way you can become an expert in generating ideas in this field.


You’re a content creator for an automobile dealership. You’re looking for some inspiration to help generate new content ideas for an upcoming holiday promotion. What source might you find valuable and be inspired by?

A) Motor Trend Magazine
B) Wall Street Journal
C) TIME Magazine
D) All of the above

True or false? After you digest material it’s best to try and put ideas together immediately.

A) True, because the best ideas come in the first 30 seconds of consuming content.
B) True, because the material is fresh in your mind.
C) False, you want to give your mind a break to process the information.
D) False, you first need to write concepts down to organize everything.

Fill in the blank: __________ is when you think of an idea out of nowhere.

A) Aha moment
B) Spontaneous ideation
C) The eureka moment
D) Thought spawning

How can you uncover your buyer personas’ reading habits?

A) Include a question on a form
B) Interview some of your best customers
C) Make a list of publications you read
D) A and B
E) All of the above

Fill in the blank: A content compass helps organize monthly initiatives by ____________.

A) SMART goals
B) sales campaigns
C) theme(s)
D) All of the above

Fill in the blank: When identifying buyer’s journey content for a long-term content strategy, it’s important to focus on content for the ___________ stage(s).

A) Awareness
B) Consideration
C) Decision
D) All of the above

When it comes to a long-term content strategy, what is an important buyer persona trait?

A) Demographics
B) Challenges
C) Identifiers
D) All of the above

All of the following are examples of a SMART goal EXCEPT:

A) Increase year over year traffic by 30%.
B) Significantly reduce the amount of time the team spends on creating content.
C) Add five new content formats to the website by end of year.
D) All of the above are SMART goals.

True or false? A buyer’s journey is ever-evolving. You should make updates as you learn more about your buyer persona.


You just landed your dream job as a content creator at a local startup. It’s your first week and your boss asks you to perform a content audit to get acquainted with the company’s collateral as well as organize it. Where might you start looking for content that already exists?

A) Talk with the sales team
B) Check with more tenured employees
C) Look through the company’s CRM and CMS
D) All of the above

Which of the following is NOT a category you should organize your content audit by?

A) Content title
B) Buyer’s journey stage
C) Content length
D) Marketing funnel stage

Fill in the blank: To keep your content calendar agile, it shouldn’t extend more than ___________.

A) two weeks
B) one month
C) three months
D) six months

All of the following are attributes of a content creation workflow EXCEPT:

A) How much money it will cost to complete initiative
B) Identifies outside influencers who will be contributing
C) Identifies and organizes who is in charge of specific tasks
D) Breaks down all of the work needed to complete a specific initiative

True or false? A proper content creation workflow would include written, edited, and published elements.


How many rounds of edits should content undergo before being finished?

A) 1
B) 2-4
C) Post your content once it’s finished and edit as you receive feedback.
D) As many times as you possibly can

You asked your colleague to provide feedback on a blog post you recently wrote. When they sent you their feedback, they made edits directly in the doc. Is this a best practice for a content editing process?

A) Yes, because having an editor complete your content ensures it will read well to others.
B) Yes, a content editor’s role is to make updates the way they see fit.
C) No, the editor should have tracked changes which would have shown you where they would apply recommended edits.
D) No, they should have set up a meeting to discuss each edit so you could apply them together.

Fill in the blank: The above graphic uses a ___________ to help organize hosted files.

A) linear word formula
B) acronym-based system
C) nomenclature system
D) Word association connector

What can you do to make a headline more compelling?

A) Make it specific
B) Make a promise to the reader
C) Keep it short
D) A and B
E) All of the above

Fill in the blank: When creating a headline for your content, you should come up with ___________ different headlines.

A) 1
B) 2-3
C) 5-10
D) At least 10

The above blog post is an example of which type of headline format?

A) Negative angle format
B) How-to format
C) Secret of format
D) List format
E) Question format

True or false? Effective writers start by filling in the main points of their content and save writing the introduction and conclusion for after they’ve written their piece.

A) True, it can be overwhelming to write an introduction first without knowing where the content is headed.
B) True, the introduction is always the easiest part to write.
C) False, writing an introduction first will help align the rest of the article.
D) False, you should write your conclusion before your introduction.

True or false? When possible, you should try and use extensive vocabulary in your writing.

A) True, extensive vocabulary makes you appear more credible and confident.
B) True, people make purchasing decisions based on if you look smarter than your competitors.
C) False, extensive vocabulary makes you appear less credible and confident.
D) False, extensive vocabulary takes up too much space on a page.

Which of the following do you need to include in a republished piece of content to maintain SEO authority and attribute value to the appropriate website or author?

A) Inbound link
B) Canonical tag
C) Anchor text
D) A and B

How can a third-party website avoid duplicate content issues with republishing your content?

A) Add a tracking URL
B) Update the content to make it different
C) Have the third-party publish it at the same time as the original piece
D) Add a NoIndex tag

How long should you wait before republishing a piece of content to a new website?

A) It depends, wait until you have at least 5 inbound links.
B) You shouldn’t wait. Republish it immediately.
C) Two weeks
D) One week

You have a top-performing blog post that you want to republish. Which platforms should you republish it to?

A) Only websites that you have partnerships with as you won’t have to pay for it.
B) As many websites as possible; the more sites the more impressions the content will receive.
C) Only sites that are relevant to your business and industry.
D) You shouldn’t republish content because you’ll have duplicate content issues.




